Consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030

Icon's response to the Consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030. 

Consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030 [HTML] | GOV.WALES 

Summary of priorities 

Priority 1: Culture brings us together 

A1: Culture is inclusive, accessible and diverse.
A2: Cultural democracy and cultural rights are central to culture in Wales.
A3: Culture takes an inclusive and balanced approach to interpreting, commemorating and presenting our past. 
A4: Culture is integral to place-making and community well-being. 
A5: Culture reflects the needs and aspirations of children and young people, and inspires the next generation of cultural participants and leaders. 
A6: Culture strengthens the connection between generations. 

Priority 2: A nation of culture 

A7: Culture supports and promotes the Welsh language and reflects Wales as a bilingual and multilingual nation. 
A8: Cultural well-being is deeply embedded into policy making across Wales. 
A9: Cultural engagement supports individual and community well-being. 
A10: Culture and heritage bodies will work more collaboratively to maximise the full potential of both their specialist teams and their collections, and will work with other sectors to explore and leverage the power of culture. 
A11: Culture supports tourism; tourism supports culture. Culture has a high profile in how our nation is marketed to visitors. 
A12: Culture is integrated into how Wales establishes and develops international relationships. 
A13: The profile of culture in Wales is raised, by celebrating and promoting culture at a local, national and international level. 

Priority 3: Culture is resilient and sustainable 

A14: Our collections and historic assets are cared for, and used to support learning, creativity, place-making and cultural well-being. 
A15: Organisations responsible for the protection and care of our cultural collections and historic assets have strategic approaches to recognising significance and collecting. 
A16: Our intangible cultural heritage is an intrinsic part of our national story; it is recorded, supported to thrive, and shared with others for the benefit of future generations.
A17: Culture is supported and enhanced by good digital practice. 
A18: Culture has a collaborative and long-term approach to research and gathering evidence. 
A19: The culture sector in Wales is a great place to work and volunteer, with a professional and skilled workforce. 
A20: The culture sector demonstrates leadership and collaboration in its approaches to  sustainable development, building resilience, and tackling all aspects of the climate and nature emergencies. 


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