
Icon Scotland is the only national Group, representing conservators, conservation scientists and preservation specialists working in Scotland

Please contact us with any particular issues, feedback, news, specific interests, suggestions, questions or if you want to become involved in the committee by email. You can also contact us and keep in touch with our news and activities via our social media channels: Twitte and Facebook and our Wordpress blog: Conservation Conversations.


About us

Find out more about us and the Icon Scotland Group Pest ID service

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Our Committee

Find out more about us

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Plenderleith Lecture

Every year, in November, the Icon Scotland Group hosts a lecture in honour of Dr Harold Plenderleith

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Two exciting opportunities for grant funding for conservators in Scotland

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Group members' area

Upcoming meetings and committee documents - access for group members only

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Caring for and Preserving LGBT+ Stories

Call for Papers

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Upcoming events

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Icon Scotland: 2024 AGM